Saturday, June 23, 2012

6/22 Astros Event Recap

Before I start the blog about the Astros Event, I want to ask that everyone keep my best friend Collin Mulchay and his family in your prayers as they have lost a loved one yesterday. Collin and his family mean so much to Nathan and I, and we are very saddened to hear this news. We wish them well and will keep them in our prayers as well.

We want to first start of by saying thank you to everyone that came out to the Astros game yesterday. We had a total of 37 participates show up and raise 275 dollars for the game and received 3 more separate online donations that totaled 60 dollars from people that could not go to the game but wanted to help for a total of 315 dollars. We were also graciously given 300 dollars from the Houston A&M Club for a grand total of 615 dollars whoop!!! We want to again thank everyone that participated and donated as well as the Houston A&M Club for showing us so much support. It is a blessing to know there are so many Aggies out there willing to help out. 

We had a great time at the game, but unfortunately, the Astros fell short and lost 2-0.  I was able to recurite a little girl into the Aggie Family throughout the game, and had her saying Gig'em as well as telling her Dad he would have to pay for her Aggie Ring.....I left out the dunking of the ring for now...she was 5.  Nathan's posse showed up and accidentaly found themselves in a Suite where they were given free adult beverages. However, they were quickly found out about because of their apparent failed rookie slyness and were made to chug there beverages and asked kindly to leave...still a success in my book.  We enjoyed 9 innings of very little exciting baseball, and we stumbled upon some great information thanks to Nathan's posse. Apparently, you can bring in a large zip lock baggie of snacks into the ballpark. This will become very useful on our upcoming trip. However, I will say that again the posse was very rookiesk. They brought in trail mix, strawberries, carrots, and some dip.....I felt like we were at a tea party of some sort. Ladies next time you must bring ribs or some sort of meet, cheese, sunflower seeds, greasy chips (not baked or low sodium of any sort), and of course beef jerky....COME ON!! We had a great time at the game and were able to get a couple of pictures

This is a picture of all the Aggies, siblings, and friend that were in attendance at the game. It was tough getting the picture as you can tell from not everyone looking, but overall successful pic.
This is a photo of a man attempting to take a picture with his phone by holding it up to binoculars. I am very interested and wish I could see how the picture turned out.

The game was a great succes, and we had so much fun with everyone. I hope everyone had a great time. Thanks again for everyone that supported. We will be blogging more as we start our trip. This Monday we will be doing an event from 5-8 at the Dixie Chicken in College Station, so if your in CS come out and join us for free pool and cheap hamburgers. Hope to see everyone there.

Josh, Collin, and Nathan

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