Tuesday, July 10, 2012

NYC Part 1 Recap

July 7

Philly was a lot of fun, and I (Josh) would really like to return someday and spend more time in the city. For now it's time for our first trip to the Big Apple. We had all been to NY before but were definitely excited for another round. This time through, we were spending one day and going to the Mets game. Graciously my friend Chris  opened up his apartment for the three of us to stay. We rolled up to his place in Manhattan and luckily found a great parking spot (not easy to do in NY) right around the corner. His apartment was really cool. Definitely made me want to live in NY. We dropped off our stuff, and Chris dominated me at a quick game of NHL 2012. 

Then, we left for the game. Caught the 654 green line to Grand Central Station where we got on the 7 to Queens. Navigating NY is not even close to as hard as TV makes it out to be. Swallow our man pride and ask someone, and we get there just fine. Heaven forbid any of our Dads were here cause all of them would say "I got this....I know exactly where we are" then 3 hours later we end up in a cemetery next to a Davy Crocket tombstone....much love Dads keep on being dedicated to your manly intuition and so called map skills. 

We got to Queens and spotted the new Mets stadium Citi Field. If you have never seen the old Mets stadium, Shea, then you could not appreciate the new one nearly as much. Shea was a hideous stadium with overhangs that would block viewing in over 15 % of seats. I was astonished at how much nicer Citi Field was. Our seats were not the best ones we have had, but the temperature was awesome. It was a day game, so most New Yorkers stayed home afraid of sweating. The Mets were playing the Cubs in yet another pitching duel. Not a lot of offense, but we did get to see two home runs which brings me to the Mets apple. When a Met's player hits a home run, a huge apple in centerfield slowly pops up to the cheers of the fans but to the chagrin of us. We just are happy that the Rangers and Astros don't have some gimmick like that.....oh wait Astros fans with your really cool train. 

Anyways, we had a blast at the game, but we were ready for Chris to take us out to his favorite places. We met him at his apartment, changed, and headed to a sports bar that we can't remember the name to watch the UFC fight. Unfortunately they were not showing it so we settled on Yankees VS. Boston. Chris's friend Ashley met up with us as well as Collin's friend Cody and his friend Eric. We spent the rest of the night going to several different places and having a lot of fun. 

First night in NY was a great success, and we are looking forward to going back after Boston for a three day stint. Many more great times to come in NY but for now on to Boston for Sunday night epic matchup Red Sox VS. Yankees at Fenway Park.....does not get any better than that if you're a baseball fan.

The new Citi Field

Bros and Citi Field

View right from the entrance. As Borat would say, "Very nice!"

I've never seen somebody so obsessed with mini bats

Our first view walking into the stadium

View from our seats. The crowd absolutely sucked. I might have fallen asleep for two innings (true story)

Collin has a tendency to take strange pictures

After a HR, the apple pops up for whatever reason

End of the game with the mini bats

Met up with Cody Cravens at a bar

First view of NYC driving in

Driving in this city was my biggest fear. Conquered it.

Chris's apartment that we stayed in

View from subway

Mets are pretty good this year and beat the lowly Cubs (shocker)

Collin took this inside a bathroom. No idea what it is

$3 PBR!

Skeptical coming in

Best pizza ever!!!

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